February 5, 2025

Part 1: We speak with Marc Dann, the former Attorney General of Ohio about the consequences of financial crimes. Marc’s opinion is that we should jail corporate criminals, as a deterrent to them. During the 2008 meltdown, in the Reagan administration, more than 1000 bankers actually went to jail. This has not been done in more recent financial scandals and economic meltdowns. These crimes have not had any consequences for those involved since. Instead, participants have either moved on to other companies/banks, or government appointments. This is very advantageous to those individuals. We have a discussion about the outcomes to the economy as a whole, and to the victims who have been affected.

Part 2: We discuss the US Postal Service with Jeremy Stahl, and focus on Louis DeJoy, the current Postmaster General, and his obvious corruption. DeJoy is a well known donor to Republicans’ campaigns, and a bundler. He doesn’t care, as the Republicans in this case do not seem to care how egregious or visible public corruption is. His actions with respect to the US Postal Service to cause disruption in the 2020 election are obvious and seem designed to prevent a fair election, particularly in this time of pandemic. We discuss how DeJoy was appointed, his actions, and congressional action, such as hearings and DeJoy’s upcoming testimony before Congress on Sept 16. .